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[English in Economy] 'Redenomination'

Finance Ministry Shows Subtle Attitude Shift on Redenomination

ȳϼ, ֱ 籹 ġ ̽ ǰ ִ 'redenomination' , ȭ ׸鰡 Ͽ ؼ ˾ƺ ϰڽϴ.


Ϲ denomination ÷ ȭ ϱⰡ ϰų ȭ ޷ ȭ ׸鰡 쿡( OECD 1޷ 4ڸ 츮 ŰԴϴ), Ȥ ڱ 帧 缺ȭ Ű ǽմϴ.


ǰ Ǵ ο ȭ Ͽ, ü ġ ߸ ƴ ȭġ ϴ ̹Ƿ λ re ٿ redenomination̶ ϴ ùٸ ǥԴϴ. ƾ ȭ ޶ ٲ ƴϹǷ ȭ ϸ ǹϴ 'devaluation' ٴ Դϴ. Ǵ ȥ , ׸ ߱ϴ ֱ մϴ. , 縦 ?


Finance Ministry Shows Subtle Attitude Shift on Redenomination

ȭ ̹ ȭ ̴

񿡼 Ʈ ֱؼ ȭ̶ Ͽϴ. ȭߴٴ ܾ shift change Ѱ ٸ Űܰ ƴ θ ٲ۴ٴ ǹ̸ ֱ Դϴ.

The standpoint of the government, which has opposed the redenomination of the currency so far, has experienced a subtle shift.


ݱ ȭ ݴϴ ؿ ݾ ٲ ǰ ִ.


stand-point , ڽ ִ Ҹ Ű Դϴ. ⼭ /̶ . view ü ֽϴ.

The attitude of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, which has been reluctant even to discuss the side effects of such a move such as price ascension, is growing flexible.

ȭ å ߱ ִ ۿ, ǰ ° ۿ뿡 ؼ ϴ ް ʴ 嵵 ִ.

move  Ƿ Ű 'å' ǹմϴ. ǹ̷ 'act' ǥմϴ. ȭ ϸ ƹ ̳ ӱ µDZ Դϴ. 1,000¥ 1,500 ø 100¥ 150 ø źΰ ϰ? ӱݵ ϰ ˴ϴ.

The statements of Lee Hun-jae, the Deputy Prime Minister, are tending towards the possibilities of redenomination.

Ѹ ߾ ȭ ɼ ûϰ ִ δ.

tend ϰ ִٴ ϴ. ߻ ǹ̰ Ǹ,  ̳ ǹϱ⵵ . ġ ̵ ǹϴ to/toward ַ ٽϴ.

Possibly considering the explosive power of redenomination, the government appears to be sounding out the reactions of the market while showing a prudent attitude, analysts point out.

ȭ ߼ ٸ, δ δ µ ϸ鼭 ؼ Ǵ ϰ ִ ٰ мѴ.

ȭ ü ĥ 2ʿʹ 񱳰 ȵ ŭ Ŭ Դϴ. Ը  ÿ غ ݹ ְ? ΰ ۿ Դϴ. δ 츮 ؼ ε ȭ ϰ ִ ϴ. 

In a hearing at the National Assembly on Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hun-jae disclosed that the government has started a working-level study, saying, "We are on the incipient stage of concrete examination after finishing research and consideration."

Ͽ ȸ ûȸ Ѹ ΰ ǹ ϰ ִٴ ߾ ߴ. "δ (ȭ ) ü ۴ܰ迡 ִ."

Working-level ü ϴ ܰ踦 ǹմϴ. Ȥ Ÿ⵵ մϴ. 츮 '~뿡 ִ' ׻ ON Ѵٴ Ϳ ϼ. in ϱ ϴ.

Compared with his Sept. 10 statement, "Were examining it at the level of pure study", which was only a week ago, it can be considered fair progress. On the same day, the Ministry of Finance and Economy distributed a press release saying, "Although were considering it at the level of normal research into the economic system, we have not gotten into concrete investigation to introduce the system."

ܿ " "̶ ߾ 9 10ϰ ٸ ޼ ̶ ִ. , δ ؼ, "ȭ ü ȿ Ӱ ִ , ϱ 縦 ϰ ʴ" .

⼭ fair ϴٰų Ǹϴٴ ƴ , , ޼ ǹ̷ ϴ. Although saying ӿ Ͻʽÿ.

Some are suggesting that Deputy Prime Minister Lee's expression of his intention to hold back the issuance of large denomination bank notes such as the W100,000 note - an issuance that has been supported by the Ministry of Finance and Economy so far - was made with the redenomination in mind. "Regarding the scale of economy of our country after 4-5 years, a situation that would require us to consider redenomination will roll around once again," he said, adding, "Then, why dont we suppress the issuance of large denomination note at this time?"

 Ѹ ׿ ߾ ݱ ο ޾ƿ ȭ - 10- Ը ȭ , ȭ ׸鰡 ϸ ο δ ǵ ִ мϱ⵵ Ѵ. "츮 4~5 Ը , ȭ Ⱑ ѹ Ͼ ۿ Ȳ ġ ̴. ױ ࿡ ̽ ׳ δ ʰڴ°?" Ѹ ߴ.

hold back suppress ǹ̷ ǰ մϴ. ݺ ȾϹǷ ϴ ϴ. ȭ issue մϴ. Roll around ״ ǹ̷,  ̽ ó Ŀ Ȳ մϴ.

Hinting at the possibilities of pushing redenomination in the mid to long-term, he stated, "Redenomination would require three to five years preparation."

δ ȭ ׸鰡 ϸ ο ΰ ִٴ Ͻϴ ߾ ߴ. "ȭ ׸鰡 ϸ ǽϴ 3⿡ 5 ʿ ̴."

ѹ ڸ, ű ȭ Ͽ ȭ ׸鰡 (̱ 10޷ ¥ ȭ ֽϴ) denomination, ȭ ׸鰡 쿡 redenomination̶ մϴ. ױ ߰ ȭ , з, ׸ и ߱ ִٴ ۿ(side effect) ׺ ū ױ з ߰ ֽϴ. Ѹ ϴ ƴұ?

Finance Ministry officials still lightly brush off the possibilities of redenomination. "Weve set our stance on the redenomination that it would cause a lot of problems in spite of the investigation carried out because the Bank of Korea brought it up," stated Kim Suk-dong, the chief of the financial policy division of Ministry of Finance and Economy, adding "A redenomination is not as easy as you think." Other officials of the finance ministry also said, "No overestimation is needed because the Deputy Prime Minister Lees answer was to show his good faith to the questions of the lawmakers rather than expressing a signal of conducting the redenomination." The reactions of the officials, however, seem to be a gesture pointing to concerns over side effects such as overheated real estate speculation and market confusion.

 " ѱ ؼ ̷, 츮 ȭ ׸鰡 ϴ ߱ ۿ ٴ ̴" ȭ ɼ ߾ ߴ. å "ȭ ׸鰡 ϶° ó ʴ" ٿ, ٸ "̺Ѹ ׿ ߾ ȸǿ 亯ϱ , ȭ ׸鰡 ϸ ǽϰڴٴ ȣ ƴϹǷ Ȯؼ ʿ䰡 " ϱ⵵ ߴ. ׷, ̿ ε ̳ ȥ ȭ ۿ鿡 ؼ ϰ ִٴ .


, ȭ ׸鰡 Ͽ ؼ Ȯ صǽ?  ̵ û Ǿ Ȱȭ ؼ Ǿ ڽϴ. ׷ ȣ ˰ڽϴ.


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