• ġ, ߱  ַ
  • 20240405_ũ_

ο Ʈ - Ver2020

<ο Ʈ - Ver2020>

峻 : https://www.facebook.com/jikjangnaeil ( Ŀ´Ƽ - , ̺Ʈ, )
λ : https://www.facebook.com/λ-1927599617465292 (/ſش ϴ λ ä)
: http://www.salary-up.kr ( Ŀ´Ƽ - ε , UP/ũ/ ߽)
ؿ : https://cafe.naver.com/smartphonefamily ( ϱ гؼ Ŀ´Ƽ)
: http://magazine.snventure.net/main.asp( )
ѻȸǼ ڸŰ : http://magazine.korcham.net/main.asp( )
ŽȰ : https://cafe.naver.com/workee( Ŀ´Ƽ - ̹ ִ Ŀ´Ƽ, ϻ ߽)
ڵ : https://cafe.naver.com/wecando7(ũ Ŀ´Ƽ - ̹ ũ Ŀ´Ƽ)
۽ : https://cafe.naver.com/paperson(پ ִ ̹ ī)
̹ Ƹٿ ѱ۹ : https://hangeul.naver.com/2014/document (̹ ϴ Ʈ)

Ȼ : https://pixabay.com/ko/ ( ȭ ̹ ִ Ʈ)
unsplash : https://unsplash.com/ ( Ƽ ̹ ִ )
δ : https://www.iconfinder.com/ ( ִ Ʈ. ˻ Free ̿)
The Noun Project : https://thenounproject.com/ ( ִ Ʈ. royalty–free)
: https://noonnu.cc/ (ѱƮ ִ Ʈ)
̹ ۲ : https://hangeul.naver.com/2017/nanum (̹ ϴ Ʈ)
̹ 뷮 : http://imgpresso.co.kr/ ( 󿡼 ̹ 뷮 ٿִ 񽺸 )
̹ ȯ : https://allinpdf.com/kr/convert/fileconvert/fileconvert-start-image (pdf, jpg, png, gif, tiff ȯ )
=> ̹ ȯ ۿ xxx to xxx ˻غ .

Ƚ : https://pixlr.com/pro/editor ( ̹ )
BackGround Burner : https://burner.bonanza.com/ (̹ ϰ . png )
imgur : https://imgur.com/vidgif ( ̹ ȯ ִ Ʈ)

ģ : http://leehyekang.com/ (PPT )
̼ Ű : http://www.presentationmagazine.com (PPT ִ )
̵ : http://www.slideshare.net (PPT ִ )
ϴ : https://blog.naver.com/7andsoul ( )

: http://translate.google.com/ ( . ׳ ʿ.)
̹ л : https://endic.naver.com/krenEntry.nhn?sLn=kr&entryId=21e6235c79ba4abbba46b23934c1f94f

< ʿ Ʈ(ȸ翡 )>

ĸ : https://www.altools.co.kr/download/alcapture.aspx
( ø ׸ ȣ ̹ĸ 񽺰 ߴܵǾ⿡ ġϿ . ĸ α׷ ū )

Foxit PDF Reader : https://www.foxitsoftware.com/kr/downloads/
(PDF Printer. PDF ϴ α׷)

Notepad++ : https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download
(ؽƮ . .)

ݵ : https://www.bandisoft.com/
7-Zip : https://www.7-zip.org/
(δ õ ߴܵǾǷ õ)

FileZilla : https://filezilla-project.org/
(FTP Client. Ƹ κ ̰ ϰ ʹ. FTP Server )

SMemo : http://www.smemo.co.kr/
( Ʈ. þ ֱ ɵ ߵǴ )

Photoscape : http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php
( ϴ α׷. ̹ Ͽ پ Ѵ)

Unlocker : https://unlocker.kr.uptodown.com/windows
( ʴ μ ãƼ Kill ִ α׷)

DaView : http://datools.kr/Down7_1.htm
(̹ + Hwp  ϰ ִ. HWPViewer ġ ʿ䰡...)

Putty : https://www.putty.org/
( Shell α׷)

Ʈ : https://evernote.com/intl/ko/
(Ʈ ʱ α׷. ...)

Slack : https://slack.com/
( . ũ ø⿡ )

Virtual Box : https://www.virtualbox.org/
( Ͽ OS ġ ֵ ִ α׷. Ȯ )

UltraVNC : https://www.uvnc.com/
( . VNC Server ġ PC ؼ ȭ ̷ ¿ )

UltraViewer : https://ultraviewer.net/en/
( . VNC Server . Team Viewer )

WinMerge : http://winmerge.org/?lang=en
(Text ձ. ٸ ְ )

PDFSAM : https://pdfsam.org/
(PDF ɰų ĥ ϴ )

Gimp : https://www.gimp.org/
(伥 ̶ Ұ . ̹ ٸ )

Xmind : http://www.xmindkorea.net/download.asp?code=3
( ε α׷)

( α׷ ϴ Ʈ)

<ο >
ε : ͸ Ŀ´Ƽ . г߻
: ˾Ƽ ִ
Ʈ : Ʈ
Ǫҷ(PushBullet) : Ʈ ޽ PC Ȯΰ . Ư SMS ڸ ް ⿡ ſ .
: ⺻ ī޶ Ǿ ī޶ Ҹ .
: ڲ ϴ е
ݿ : ݿϸ鼭 Ƴ ִ , ȭ ¸ ˷.

ƮƮ ũα (0) ֱֱ(0)

 Ѹ ( 0)

ϴ. ù° ּ.
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